Maxular Light | Web Fonts
This package includes Maxular Light in four Webfont formats (4 fonts total).
Six years in the making, Maxular is a new, rounded slab serif typeface by award-winning designer, author, and educator Steven Skaggs.
Every font in the Maxular family has a character set of over 700 glyphs, with support for 220 languages including Czech, Polish, Turkish, and Vietnamese.
Maxular is a versatile, friendly and easy to read typeface. Use it as a fresh alternative in place of other typewriter style fonts for its proportional spacing, its high readability, and superior legibility for copy set in smaller sizes.
Package Details
Package Format
Font Format
.woff2, .woff, .eot, .ttf
Type Specimen
Webfonts EULA
Product SKU#
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