Rieven Family | Webfonts

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The Rieven Family Webfonts Package contains all 5 styles in 2 Webfont formats (10 font files total).

The impetus for Rieven was Steven Skaggs’ desire for an Uncial type that was not simply decorative but included a lowercase, italics, and the option of using the more familiar Roman letterforms. Skaggs successfully integrated all of those features to form a stylistically cohesive and versatile typeface.

Also a part of the Rieven Family package is Rieven Ornaments, a font comprised of over 180 glyphs including useful symbols, circled numbers, arrows, and a set of magnificent decorative ornaments.

Rieven Uncial received a “Certificate of Ex­cel­lence in Type Design” in the 2010 TDC2.

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Package Format
Font Format
.woff2, woff
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Desktop EULA
Webfont EULA
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Rieven Family | Webfonts

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