Rieven Uncial Regular | Web Fonts

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This package includes the font Rieven Uncial in Webfont formats (3 font files total).

If a sans serif roman and an uncial got together and had a type-baby, it would be Rieven Uncial. While it retains a rich­ness and elegance found in traditional uncial forms, Rieven Uncial has been carefully tempered by designer Steven Skaggs to be much more versatile.

Rieven Uncial looks great on books, packaging, and sign­age, or any­time there is a need for an exotic feel to text with­out be­ing overly decorative.

Rieven Uncial was awarded a “Certificate of Ex­cel­lence in Type Design” in the 2010 TDC2.

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Package Details

Package Format
Font Formats
.woff2, .woff, .eot
Type Specimen
Webfonts EULA
Product SKU#
1.38 MB
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Rieven Uncial Regular | Web Fonts

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