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Summa Regular | Webfonts

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Summa Regular | Webfonts

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This package contains Summa Regular in Webfont formats (.woff2, .woff) for use on a website.

Delve Fonts worked closely with educator and design industry veteran Don Sterrenburg for years to diligently transform his magnificent pen and ink drawings into modern font software, sending type specimens and early versions of working fonts for review and then faithfully completing the revisions he requested after carefully examining the materials.

The classic roman spirit and bracketed, cupped serifs together with the narrow width and elevated x-height of Summa give it a lofty, elegant appearance and an economic use of space.

Summa’s height and compact measure make it an ideal choice for use in headlines, book titles, on posters, for drop-caps, and other instances where large display sizes are needed in tight spaces but heavy weights are not desired.

Learn more about Summa at Delve Fonts

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Package Details

Package Format
Font Formats
.woff2, .woff
Type Specimen
Webfonts EULA
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